Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Blogging Tutorial (from the most inexperienced blogger in history)
At the end of each post is a "signature" of sorts that says who it was posted by and at what time. Next to it will show how many comments have been posted to that particular post. To view the comments (or to eventually leave a comment), click on "comment". Read through the comments others have left, then type your own comment in the comment box to the right. (say comment much?) After you've left us some love, scroll down and select Name/Url. An additional box should appear for you to place your name. Type in your name (I thought this was probably pretty obvious, but you never know who's on the other side of the screen - Mom). Then click on Publish Comment. Voila!
So, everybody now, show us that we really can teach old dogs new tricks and post us a comment. We'd love to hear from you, too!!
P.S. Brea says "discuted" is the new "disgusted" (see her post below for explanation).
P.P.S Please consider this your advanced warning that we won't be proof reading much - as already evidenced. Please don't judge us - we are desperately sleep deprived.
P.P.P.S. Please comment! Thanks.
Sitting on the floor in Atlanta
Let Your Voice Be Heard
A week from now is election day. Please, oh, please GO VOTE!!
God bless you all and God bless America.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Final thoughts while stateside...
Not because I am taking so much stuff - but mostly because I am a scattered wreck!
I will never be able to express my awe while watching our God meet every need in abundance during these past 7 weeks! I will also never be able to express my gratitude for the precious people in our lives that have prayed, encouraged, shopped, supported, given, and cried with and for us while prepping for our journey! I am truly humbled and amazed!!!
6 hours...my mind can't comprehend what is finally taking place!
6 hours...my heart can't wait to get my hands on those kids!
6 hours...my body wants to fall into bed!
Good night from America! SEE YOU IN KENYA!!!! (goosebumps just flaired!!:)
Not Wasting an Ounce
49.0 lbs. of school supplies
49.0 lbs. of medical supplies, candy & more school supplies
(this actually has way more medical supplies we just packed the candy on top of it).
And here we are in the midst of all the fun...
It was an absolute blast knowing that EVERY SINGLE ITEM will be a blessing.
Here's a big THANK YOU to everyone who gave.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Well our trip is soon, and I'm surprisingly calm right now.
I don't know what's happening but I think God's preparing me for what I'm going to see very soon. This past Wednesday one of my youth leaders prepared a lesson on my trip and the organizational I'm going with. After her lesson she asked for me to come to the front to be recognized and prayed for. Well lets just say I broke down completely. I sobbed like a baby. Not only did I sob, I sobbed in front of my WHOLE youth group. If you know me you'll know I don't like looking weak in front of people, so crying in front of my whole youth group was NOT what I wanted to do, but exactly what i needed. It's strange how God works that way; he makes us do what we don't want too, to show he knows what's best for us, and that he has control. Which brings up my next topic, control. I like being in control of my life, mainly because I'm extremely independent, and have been for most part. I like making decisions for myself and thinking for myself not others thinking for me. Well God knows that and has put me through some trials in my life that I had no control over whatsoever. Which caused me to not trust him at all. Throughout the years me and him have worked on it and I started to trust him again, then the wave of death hit and I wanted to trust him so much but I just couldn't, it hurt to badly. Again I talked, sometimes yelled, with God to work out the trust factor. He made it clear through scripture and lessons at church that he was looking out for me, and would never put me through something I couldn't overcome. Well this Wednesday all of a sudden I realized what I really would be seeing during this trip, and I didn't think I could do it. The devil knew my weakness and made it very clear to me that I would fail. I was overcome with defeat. I didn't think I could do what God has called me to do for over 5 years. I didn't think I could look at children's faces in the slums, and leave them there. That I couldn't see them starving, and abandon them. I know how it feels to starve and can't imagine how it feels to have no hope on top of that. I started praying to God and kept thinking I can't, I can't do that. God you've made a mistake, I've made a mistake. I can't do that, I can't live with myself, I'm not ready. After I calmed down he started to show me why he picked me. He revealed to me that this trip wasn't only about me ministering to them, it's also them ministering to me, and it started to become very clear what my trip was going to be about; for me to help bring hope to Kibera, and Kibera bringing me and God closer, in more then one way. I started to understand that it would help me to be able to trust him because others more unfortunate then me could. Which has helped me so much. It's crazy how God works sometimes, that he can defeat the devil, even if he's picked the weakest part of you, and make it completely positive. Also God made me realized I'm there to help, not to harm or abandon them. That I'll be seen as hope, but I can't stop after my trip, I have to keep helping and praying or nothing will change. And that's the last thing I want.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This trio of journeywomen have watched our Heavenly Father:
*Meet specified financial need after specified & deadlined financial need (thanks Brea for your audacious prayers! You blow your mama away!);
*Stretch what we thought was already taunt to limits beyond what we alone are capable of enduring;
*Heal our bodies (hallelujah Holly!), minds, and hearts;
*Confirm His calling and Hand on our lives, individually and collectively;
*Siphon off sludge brought to the surface of our attitudes (am speaking especially for me!) through His continual refining process;
*Plunge us deeper into prayer, His Word, and dependency upon Him;
.........and we are still stateside!!!
Haven't even taken off of residential soil yet!
Can't imagine what He will be doing in us while we are in Africa!!!
6 DAYS AND COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"Surely We Can Change" by David Crowder
And the problem is this
We were bought with a kiss
But the cheek still turned
Even when it wasn't hit
And I don't know
What to do with a love like that
And I don't know
How to be a love like that
When all the love in the world
Is right here among us
And hatred too
And so we must choose
What our hands will do
Where there is pain
Let there be grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Help them to be brave
Where there is misery
Bring expectancy
And surely we can change
Surely we can change
And the problem it seems
Is with you and me
Not the Love who came
To repair everything
Where there is pain
Let us bring grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Let us be brave
Where there is misery
Let us bring them relief
And surely we can change
Surely we can change
Oh surely we can change
Oh, the world's about to change
The whole world's about to
I know I speak for all three of us when I say we want Jesus to be the change for the people of Kibera, Kenya!!! What a privilege to be a part! Just 13 more days!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
More opportunities to bless...
I had emailed our trip coordinator asking if the missionary couple living in Kibera had any specific needs we could possibly meet as well? I just received his email back (he is currently in Mexico - is it a sin to covet this man's job?!!!). He let me know needs they have shared with him:
4 HP Print Cartridges #14 black,
4 HP Print Cartridges #15 color,
10 Mini DV tapes,
100 pack DVD+R's,
Quaker Quick Grits (NOT INSTANT),
Plastic jars of Helmann's mayonaise.
What a reminder of the things we take so easily for granted. How often I jump in my car, drive to the fully stocked store just around the corner from my house and buy whatever I needed, taking a total of 15 minutes!!
Again, if you would like to be a part in meeting these needs, we will be collecting until October 27 - since we have to PACK!!!
With all our hearts, we thank you for your support and generosity. Again, words are insufficient. We pray God's blessings on you all!
As it's getting closer I can feel myself getting more excited, as much as I try to hide it, inside I'm going crazy with excitement. I don't want people to see me excited because, if it doesn't work(GOD forbid) I don't want them to know how disappointed I'll feel, my pride gets in the way I guess, an area God and I are still working on.
It is mind blowing that in 3 short weeks I'll be in Kenya, MY Kenya. I'll be able to breathe Kenyan air, see beautiful Kenyan landscape, feel the sun or rain on my skin IN Kenya. That finally I'll be home. Even though it isn't my birthplace, it's where God has called me, where God has put a burden on my heart to be. He's put me through trials so that I'll be ready, and FINALLY it's my time. It's crazy how I've never been there but already know, it's my home. I'm thankful to God that he's made it clear that that's where I'm meant to be, but at the same time I'm restless here. I'm starting to feel like a stranger in my own "home", and to friends and family in Arizona. It's feeling like a prison instead of a loving, warm place that it once was. I'm hoping my trip there will be a way for me to start to be thankful for Arizona once again. It's so American of me, I have endless possibility here and yet, I can't stand even looking around. That the land of the FREE is feeling like that land of the prisoners. And I know Kenya will be an eye opener at the least. I know I'm starting to ramble but that is what i do best. To put it into shorter words I'm just SO thankful for the chance to go and be with "my" people and help them as much as I can. Even though I know it's going to be one of the hardest things to leave; I'm just glad I have the chance to see my future home, for however long it may be.
Opportunities to bless...
Just wanted to update you on some needs that were emailed to us this morning from the missionaries we will be ministering to and with. They have requested:
*Newborn baby boy clothes for a little one named Matthew
*School supplies (pens, pencils, crayons, erasers, etc.)
*Candy for the children (obviously the non-melting kind is best!).
If any of you would like to donate these items, please feel free. We will be collecting them until October 27 since we will need that day to pack. Yikes!!! That just gave me goosebumps!!!
Thank you for your constant prayers and support (financial & emotional)!
We can never repay you but our Heavenly Father blesses beyond measure!!
If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord-and he will repay you! Proverbs 19:17
Blessed are those who are generous, because they feed the poor. Proverbs 22:9
Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us. James 1:27
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I think I'll keep my distance...
But I am also VERY excited that we get to go on safari. To see the wild animals in their natural habitat will be a phenomenal experience. Truly breathtaking. Once in a lifetime.
In talking about the safari with Amie, she said that she hopes to hear a lion's roar so loud that she can actually feel its reverberations. That sounded okay to me until I saw these photos in my business friend's memory book yesterday.
I'm guessing that wildebeast felt the reverberations, too. And I don't like the way his story ended.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Three Weeks to Go!
Secondly, a business friend went to Kenya for a safari a couple of years ago. When he and his wife returned home, they put together a memory book of their trip. As soon as I told him that I was heading there in 3 WEEKS, he so kindly offered to show me their book. He's bringing it by the office today and I can't wait to see it. It will totally whet my appetite for the real thing.
Thirdly, did I mention it's only 3 WEEKS? Wow.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Rejoice Now
A month ago when we learned we were going to Kenya, our hearts and our faith were soaring high. We didn't go into this blindly. We've known from the start that we didn't have the financial means to support this trip. After all, in these economic times, who has $12,000 lying around in their back pockets? But somehow we just knew that God had something up His sleeve. Some plan to channel the resources we needed right to our front door. No doubt, just expectancy. And boy, were we expecting!
That was a month ago. And not much has come through the channel yet.
Time has a way of clouding our vision and making the goal seem invisible or even impossible. I remember once hearing that in the space between our need and the provision of the need, there is always time. We have the ability to decide what to do with the time. We can worry, complain and give up hope. Or, we can trust, believe and rejoice in the waiting. How we deal with our "time" reveals the level of our trust in the Lord.
I still believe that God has something up His sleeve. That this trip is part of His plan and He will provide the financial means. Unfortunately, some doubt and fear has crept into my time of waiting. So I personally had to make a decision this week. I can doubt and worry. Or I can trust and believe. It's one or the other. I cannot do both.
I have decided to trust and believe!
"Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed." John 20:29
If I truly believe that God will provide for us to go to Kenya, then I need to start rejoicing about it NOW. I don't need to wait until we have the funds in our hands. I can start NOW. And I choose to do so. I choose to lay it all out there, expecting God to come through in a big way. In a way that leaves no doubt that it was truly Him who met the need.
I choose to trust and believe. What about you? What are you going through right now that requires you to decide how you will walk out your time? He will be faithful no matter how we walk this out. But I want to be found rejoicing BEFORE I see His faithful provision. Before I SEE His faithful provision. What about you?
I love how Beth Moore says (paraphrased), "I'd rather believe God for too much and only receive some of it, than to believe God for nothing and receive all of it."
Join with me in believing God beyond our understanding. He wants to give us more than we can ask, think or imagine anyway. And I say we rejoice NOW, before we even catch a glimpse of Him working on our behalf. Nothing lets Him know we trust Him more than that.
**Editted to note: Not thirty minutes after posting this blog, God channeled resources to us in a way that leaves no room to give anyone else credit but Him. I am so glad that He helped me have a heart that was ready to receive from Him. It made the blessing that much more sweet. There's still a ways to go, but He graciously reminded us once again that He's got it all under control. Hallelujah!