Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Blogging Tutorial (from the most inexperienced blogger in history)

Many people have mentioned that they are following our world famous blog with baited breath. Which has actually surprised us because y'all haven't been leaving us much praise or shout outs in the comments. So by popular demand we are offering you a free how to.

At the end of each post is a "signature" of sorts that says who it was posted by and at what time. Next to it will show how many comments have been posted to that particular post. To view the comments (or to eventually leave a comment), click on "comment". Read through the comments others have left, then type your own comment in the comment box to the right. (say comment much?) After you've left us some love, scroll down and select Name/Url. An additional box should appear for you to place your name. Type in your name (I thought this was probably pretty obvious, but you never know who's on the other side of the screen - Mom). Then click on Publish Comment. Voila!

So, everybody now, show us that we really can teach old dogs new tricks and post us a comment. We'd love to hear from you, too!!

P.S. Brea says "discuted" is the new "disgusted" (see her post below for explanation).

P.P.S Please consider this your advanced warning that we won't be proof reading much - as already evidenced. Please don't judge us - we are desperately sleep deprived.

P.P.P.S. Please comment! Thanks.


Anonymous said...

OK Holly, I think I'll figure this out. Thank you for pointing it out to me! I've been keeping up with this blog and not once did I catch the comment thingy, so yeah, that "dig" was deserved! thanks daughter.
I'm about dead right now, so I'm wondering how the 3 of you are doing right about now. I'm still going on those 3 hours of sleep last night. I'm praying you girls get to sleep on the Amsterdam flight!! Brea's blog is hilarious but I'll let her know that too. (someone told me how to comment back)
Love you Holly and am SO very proud of you. I know God is doing great things with you AND for you on this trip. Just come back home full of stories.

Anonymous said...

Sis, to add on to what mom said, gifts too!

I had a dream that I saw an pretty gold chain with a African animals on it, so if you see one, must bring it home LOL

I'm very excited for you. I pray that your exaustion from the trip won't last long. I will pray for your health and rest. I pray that you continue to see through God's eyes even in times of exaustion, sadness for the children, just remember God does remembers all his children and his promises.
We love you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tutorial. Because you are smarter than me at this!

Anonymous said...

Testing, 123....is this thing working....this is the old dog trying a new trick....blogging...?

Praying for you and hoping you hit the ground running...that is...after Amie has kissed the ground upon arrival.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there guys. We're praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for all three of you DAILY.

Anonymous said...

See... That's all everyone needed, a little tutorial. I'm kind of *discuted* this wasn't done earlier. (joking) :) Hope everything's going great. Miss ya already! I'll check back every few hours and see. Much love to you!

Anonymous said...

I am thinking and praying for you all daily! I try to imagine what it is like and what you are going through each day....and I just can't! :) I imagine it is more AMAZING than my little brain can think of! :0 I love you guys and can't wait to see you and pic's! Oh yeay, can you post some pic's? Love Em, Sheldon, Hannah and Sam!

Anonymous said...

Just a note to say I am so glad you all are safe and to let you know we all miss and are praying for not only the 3 of you, but continue to pray for all involved. That not only the childern are blessed with what you have to offer but that you are blessed with just meeting them. And to say that we will be anxiously waiting to hear what you have to share. That we may feel as praying people that we made a difference right along with you guys. I cant even imagine what you will encounter!!!!It makes me sad to know how selfish we are here. MISS YOU GUYS KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK:)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see all of your blogs. Proud of all of you, I know no words can describe what you feel.

Anonymous said...

Holly, I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get a signal soon. We miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Holly, I got your text saying you were sick and needed prayer. Well, we've got dozens of people doing just that! Get well quick, hun. Love you and miss you bunches.

Amie, I also got the text from Holly about seeing a cheetah and 3 cubs with a gazelle kill. My very first thought was...I sure hope Amie didn't see that! Just focus on all the beautiful wild life!

Brea, I can picture you just trying to hold onto all the kids there, you trying to figure out how you could bring them all home with you, ha?

I know that the Lord is using the 3of you mightily, and that you will come home changed women. Much stronger, and yet much more humble than when you left. Am praying for continued strength, and that you will touch many many hearts.

Anonymous said...

Holly: I pray you feel better quick! Is it a cold? I see that you guys saw your first kill!

Try not to cry.

brea:I cannot even imagine how your heart feels, and what your heart wants to do.

Anonymous said...

I pointed out the letters on the keyboard for I love you, and below is what Aaron typed in.


Anonymous said...

You guys have really gotten me thinking about a missions trip myself, maybe not to Kenya, but to the UK or Ireland, the country that's in my heart.