Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Three Weeks to Go!

First of all, I would like to follow up on my previous post. There are truly no words to describe the whirlwind of emotions I was feeling as I wrote it. Fear, peace, anxiety, worry, sadness, excitement and disappointment all seemed to rage at once inside this heart. But something amazing happened with the click of the "publish post" button. Philippians 4:7 became an instant reality and has actually stuck with me ever since. The most incomprehensible peace that I have ever experienced has truly guarded my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I have become solidly sure that this is God's will for us. God has been so faithful in providing the finances needed for the trip in doses that He has measured out before the foundation of the world. We are simply collecting this day's provision. Tomorrow's provision will be available tomorrow. And it will continue until the full provision is completed. Somehow, I am sure of this. And this brings such sweet peace. There is nothing like it in the world!

Secondly, a business friend went to Kenya for a safari a couple of years ago. When he and his wife returned home, they put together a memory book of their trip. As soon as I told him that I was heading there in 3 WEEKS, he so kindly offered to show me their book. He's bringing it by the office today and I can't wait to see it. It will totally whet my appetite for the real thing.

Thirdly, did I mention it's only 3 WEEKS? Wow.

1 comment:

Amie said...

"Three weeks to go" does that statement affect your heart and stomach the way it does mine?!! I am still trying to DAILY thank our God for HIS provision that day. Living on manna should be the best thing ever yet my flesh seems to resist and crave for the foods of Egypt (provision from my own hand, under my own control). I am so grateful He is patient with me while preparing me for our journey to Kenya and beyond! Would love to see the memory book as well. Dreamin' of the lion's roar!!!